mercredi 17 octobre 2012

Sound of Cylons (et autres)

Pour tous les fans de BSG, excellentissime. Merci à cafzone pour ce petit bijou. (et pour tous les autres, attention c'est bourré de spoilers, donc vous êtes forcés de regarder Battlestar Galactica avant et donc de devenir fan)

Sinon, je m'aperçois que ça fait quelques mois que je n'ai pas posté ici. Question de motivation principalement.

En bref, l'été et les vacances sont finies, Game of Thrones, True Blood et Mad Men aussi, par contre c'est le retour du Mentalist, de TBBT et de HIMYM (et de Gossip Girl, mais ça je n'admettrai le regarder que sous la torture), donc j'arrive à survivre. Moins drôle, c'est aussi le retour de la grisaille, mais bon, depuis 12 ans que je suis en région parisienne, on finit par s' ou moins. Heureusement qu'en cette saison le tir à l'arc se fait en intérieur, sinon ce serait vraiment la lose.

Derniers films vus : The dark knight rises (excellent, Christopher Nolan quoi), The Avengers (pareil, on sent la patte Josh Whedon ici), Sherlock Holmes : a game of shadows (divertissement moyen, vaut principalement par la présence de Robert Downey Jr), le dernier Underworld (complètement nul, même avec la présence de Kate Beckinsale, c'est dire), et Hunger Games. Sur ce dernier, avis mitigé, Jennifer Lawrence porte le film à elle seule (bah vi, une archère sexy et intelligente, je ne pouvais que craquer :P), la critique de la société est assez intéressante (quoique ça ne va pas chercher très loin), mais comparé à Battle Royale, il y a un coté sucré qui passe assez mal., on sent que la cible principale sont les ados / jeunes adultes. Ça reste regardable, mais je me garderai de commentaires assassins ou dithyrambiques comme j'ai pu en lire à droite ou à gauche.

Derniers livres lus : Le trone de fer (a Song of fire and ice) fini, enfin pour ce qui est des tomes traduits en français, j'ai aussi relu le début de l'Assassin Royal, et en ce moment je lis Cyteen en anglais (quoique au rythme de 2 pages par jour, j'en ai encore pour "un certain temps").

mercredi 4 juillet 2012

Looking for...Higgs boson

Quite interesting and fun video explaining why scientists can't stop talking about this tiny thing.

Thanks to the phdcomics author to participate in it :)

dimanche 1 juillet 2012

If ....

If you can keep your head when all about you 
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, 
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you. 
But make allowance for their doubting too; 
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting. 
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, 
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating, 
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise: 

If you can dream —and not make dreams your master 
If you can think —and not make thoughts your aim 
If you can meet Triumph and Disaster 
And treat those two impostors just the same; 
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken 
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools. 
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken, 
And stoop and build’em up with worn-out tools: 

If you can make one heap of all your winnings 
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, 
And lose, and start again at your beginnings 
And never breathe a word about your loss; 
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew 
To serve your turn long after they are gone, 
And so hold on when there is nothing in you 
Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on!” 

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, 
Or walk with Kings —nor lose the common touch, 
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, 
If all men count with you, but none too much; 
If you can fill the unforgiving minute, 
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run. 
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, 
And —which is more— you’ll be a Man, my son! 

Rudyard Kipling (and a gift of my dad for my 20th anniversary)

mercredi 28 mars 2012

Mad Men is back ! (and some other stuff that came up while I was typing)

And to show you how good this show is, just watch this scene :
and realize this isn't the main reason I liked the opening episode of the fifth season :)

With a Game of Thrones coming back on Sunday, Spring is going to be good !

On this note, I'm closing in on the end of the french translation of the original book series (A Song of Fire and Ice). I must say they are definitely entertaining, although I suspect the translation doesn't give it justice. Next in line, while waiting for the translations of the next tomes and for the end of The Wheel of Time, The Black Company in French and Cyteen in English (as I already read it in french, albeit yeaaaaars ago, I feel I can handle it in its original version), unless I lack patience and read them all directly in English to avoid the wait :)

You may ask yourself, why do I read those books in French if I'm able to read them in English : answer is actually quite simple, I read about 2 or 3 times faster in English, and with a lot less effort, which makes it easier to get into "the Zone" (you know, this state of mind often praised by video gamers where you totally lose the conscience of your surroundings and even your vital needs, as you are completely hooked by the activity you're in - be it reading a book or playing a game) and thus allows me to better appreciate it. It's actually funny to read books that way, it gives me the feeling at the end to have watched a movie as my mind creates pictures while reading. As a result, it's sometimes disturbing when I watch a movie after (or before) I read the book it's inspired from, sometimes in a good way (movie matching how I picture the universe, LOTR for example) or a bad way (not matching, and I usually dislike the movie :))
There are of course flaws to read a translation, aside from the obvious one that it may just be a bad one. It's for example quite hard to translate some expressions, and the style of the author can only be fully grasped in his native language, although I must say some translators do a very good job at translating it. This is why I sometimes take the time to read the book again in English, as I already know the story it allows me to appreciate the subtleties I missed in my first reading (and of course, it improves my English understanding as well, although not my writing, as you can see...).

vendredi 2 mars 2012

My new keyboard

I bought a few weeks ago a mechanical keyboard, the QPAD MK-85.
And well, it rocks. It's the ideal tool to type text or to play any kind of video game. Cherry MX Red switches are ideal for me, light and without the tactile point that annoyed me so much the past 10 years, even if I didn't know it :)

And it looks nice, especially in the dark with the backlighting :)

So, if your work makes you use your keyboard a lot, either because you're a pro-gamer (lucky you) or because you're a writer or a coder, don't hesitate to get your hands on one, even if they are a bit expensive : it will change your life, no kidding.

lundi 23 janvier 2012

Megaupload pour les nuls

Comme, d'habitude, on peut faire confiance à Maître Eolas pour faire un résumé clair et concis de la dernière affaire juridique qui agite le web (au sens propre comme au sens figuré). Je tiens à souligner la particulière importance des deux  dernières questions de son compte-rendu que témoignent bien de l’hypocrisie des ayant-droits. Ah ah ah.

Edit : Développement intéressant en ligne directe de mon dernier commentaire ("Ah ah ah", pour ceux qui ne suivent pas), la possible vraie raison de la fermeture de la galaxie Mega. A prendre avec des pincettes, mais il n'y a pas de fumée sans feu...

Et pour finir, la note humoristique sur le sujet :)

mercredi 18 janvier 2012

Wikipedia blackout


I felt a great disturbance in the Internet, as if millions of articles suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.

And to remind you what life without wikipedia would be...(thanks xkcd !)

lundi 16 janvier 2012

A qui la faute, selon Vidberg

A part ça, je suis complètement sous l'eau en ce moment, reprise des posts plus ou moins proactifs (tir à l'arc - le championnat départemental arrive ! - , lecture - Le trône de fer en ce moment -et autres dans un mois ou deux...

vendredi 6 janvier 2012

Geek power !

Les tâches répétitives:

Pour l’avoir vécu en entreprise, c’est tellement vrai ce graphe que je me dois de le partager avec vous ^^

Geek Vs Non-Geek

geeks vs nongeeks repetitive tasks Les tâches répétitives